To Be
Plant Peroxisome

Plant peroxisomes convert fatty acids into carbohydrates within the seed to provide energy and nutrients for the growth of germinated plants, and peroxisomes in the leaf convert CO2 into carbohydrates during photosynthesis on par with chloroplasts, creating a byproduct in the Calvin circuit*.
* Calvin cycle : Oxidation/reduction reaction that converts carbon dioxide and other compounds to glucose in photosynthesis
Plant-derived peroxisomes, like animal peroxisomes, have more than 50 enzymes and various oxidases, and their excellent antioxidant effects are being studied as a potential candidate for cosmetic agent.
Lysosomes Enhanced Yeast

Alteration of fluorescent intensity of lysosomes in S. cerevisiae grown under different glucose concentrations, (a) 0%, (b) 0.5%, ( c) 1%, (d) 2%, (e) 4%, in YP medium.
Expression patterns of lysosomal proteins in S. cerevisiae.
Arrow indicated lysozyme and total proteins isolated from S. cerevisiae grown in 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 2%, 4%, in YP medium (indicated by 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, respectively) M indicates protein size marker.